Here is my first ever video blog coming to you for the New Year! Happy New Year Everyone!! [youtube][/youtube]
Maximizing Naptime
No not maximizing YOUR naptime… although every now and again us moms need a nap! By now you already know your kids sleep schedule, and utilizing the few hours that you have to work your business can be tough. This is one thing that I have really had to get good at. I am still learning […]
Just do it!
I am reminded today of this video of Art William’s speech ‘Just Do It’ . For all the Mompreneurs out there who are making it work and even for those who are overwhelmed this video is a MUST SEE! All excuses out the door and ego aside, I know this will give you a boost! […]
Facebook Savvy for Business
As a Mompreneur, I have used the internet to propel my business forward. What I have learned over the last year or so is that Facebook is a power house for networking and building relationships for business. There are a few things to keep in mind while promoting yourself via the internet. First things first, […]