I was kinda saddened today when I logged into Facebook and saw a friend say she was deactivating her account. I started to think about all the people that I love to see on Facebook and who have deactivated their account. This reason alone is why I put together the ‘Social Media Etiquette‘ package to teach people how to not only interact online, but what to post when it comes to their personal and business. It is a lot of content creation for your personal and business page. Do you feel like Facebook is taking over your life? Here are a few things that you can change when it comes to your Facebook page.
1. Filter your friends list
This is important because your friends list makes up your newsfeed. If you don’t like what is showing up in your newsfeed, chances are your friends list stinks! LOL. Find out who is posting things that you don’t want to see and just delete them from your friends list. Simple as that!
2. Stop clicking on links that you really don’t want to see.
The way Facebook works, is that what you click on and who you interact with shows up more in your newsfeed. This is what is called their algorithm. They track your activity and compose things that they think you want to see. This way, you can get more of what you want in your newsfeed. The people that you interact with the most will show up more. This just means, that what you click on Facebook thinks you like! I mean have you noticed, that when you search for a product online that all of a sudden you see that same ad in the sidebar of your Facebook page? Kinda creepy, but it is the way it works. If you start clicking on positive, uplifting, non-controversial topics you will start seeing more of that in your feed.
3. Some opinions are just better left unsaid.
This is so true when it comes to your Facebook marketing. I definitely have VERY strong opinions about certain topics, but I choose what I want to share. It is not that I hide what I believe in, but some topics are better left to talk about amongst face to face friends rather than spread online. So if you see me sharing only uplifting positive posts, it is because that is what I want to share. I don’t share my views on vaccinations (only Mothers can really understand that one) and I also don’t share my opinions much on news events. WHY? Because it is better left unsaid, especially when you run an ONLINE business! Duh!
4. Check yoself before you wreck yoself
Yea.. thats right, I said it! 🙂 Just like you would filter what you say and how you say it to someones face, you do the same thing on Facebook. Really re-read what you are about to say online and see if it is offensive. I mean, putting up a bunch of cusswords.. YES offensive. A video of you twerking.. YES offensive. A status about how you want to punch someone in the face? YES offensive. Check what you are about to spread online and if you wouldn’t say it to someones face, don’t post it. Rule of thumb!
These are just a few of the topics that I cover in my Social Media Etiquette coaching. I tailor it specifically to what you do for a living. I help you create content so that you don’t destroy your online presence.
If you likey this post. share it please! More people need etiquette so that they don’t destroy this beautiful thing of Social Media.
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