No not maximizing YOUR naptime… although every now and again us moms need a nap! By now you already know your kids sleep schedule, and utilizing the few hours that you have to work your business can be tough. This is one thing that I have really had to get good at. I am still learning as naptime does not always happen at the same time everyday! So here are a few bullet points I have put together that have worked well for me. I hope these will be beneficial for you too!
It doesn’t matter what business you have, how on earth can you build your business around kids? Well its not easy but it is simple. Now understand I am coming from a position that I have a company with tremendous support. I have never built my business alone nor should anyone feel like they have to! If you haven’t found that support system… go get someone to help you! I also can do many things online such as schedule appointments through email, webinars to show presentations and quick follow-up phone calls. Just so everyone is clear on where my starting point is from. You can tweak my suggestions to fit your company and business.
First, make a list of the things that need to be accomplished that day. I have not always been the most organized person, but this is one that was a MUST! If I didn’t make my list of things to do I didn’t get anything accomplished. Even if it a few things that get accomplished for your business that day, THAT IS OK! Make this list realistic. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Once you complete something, cross it off the list. Then you can go back and feel that sense of accomplishment that you moved forward with your business that day. And that my friends is a great feeling!
Second, make your phone calls quick. So… I tend to talk A LOT, and when I only have a bit to work my business everyday, that does not fly! Ha! Be in a hurry when you are on the phone. I let the other person know right away that I am in a hurry. My favorite line to use is ” I just put Jaylen down for his nap so I only have a few minutes to talk”… boom.. then get to the point of the call. This takes practice! I wasn’t so good at it in the beginning because I wanted to talk on the phone, but this really works! People will respect you for letting them know ahead of time.
Third, work from a calendar. I never used to own a calendar! Shocking!!! I have one calendar on my desk now that I write ALL my appointments, webinars and phone calls in. If I don’t write it in my calendar, I forget! I also have a tiny calendar book that fits perfectly in my diaper bag that I write things in while I am out and about. For some of you, it could be using the calendar on your phone. A lot of people say this helps them too. Regardless, have a calendar/appointment book with you at ALL times and work from that. This way you can schedule your appointments during naptime.
Fourth, Offer a few times that work for YOU during the day to a prospect. Too often we tend to say “whatever time works for you” to the prospect. Then scramble to make it work. Last minute appointments do happen so just adjust accordingly. For example, if you know most of the time you are free from 2-4pm everyday, then offer an appointment time at 3pm. If you make it sound like you are available at ALL times, then the prospect will wonder what else you have going on in business. Reality is your time is VALUABLE!! Offer a few times that work for you during the day to your prospect and see which one aligns with their schedule. People respect that you are busy and that you work from your calendar.
I hope these 4 steps help you organize your day and maximize naptime! Putting these into place will help accomplish more in a small period of time. Be blessed!
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